crazy awesome

What is both crazy and awesome? This. When someone's wild, impossible antics in a TV show would end with them being placed in the funny farm, but instead ends with them becoming incredibly endearing within the hearts of the viewer simply's crazy and awesome. This can also apply to going beyond the impossible and breaking the laws of reality (Have you seen a tap-dancing Paperclip? Neither have I, but it matches the criteria.) Visualized, Crazy awesome would be a bear with a cigarette, wearing a bandanna, wielding an AK-47, arms raised prepared to maul an innocent bystander whilst surfing on the back of a Great White Shark. Comes with praise, happiness, and the occasional lulz
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to crazy awesome. Some of the top words include: gnarls, Dizzy, plaboco, bucknutty, awesomefull, and 25 more.